High season, peak season or just plain busy season is not always the best time to soak in the fabulous sights and day trips that Andalusia has on offer. Take hold web folks, seize the day and enjoy what you can before the tourists arrive en masse. Some of the “best things to do” are naturally suited to the summer months. A good example of such is Rio Chillar, which is in my mind one of the, if not THE best day trip on offer. Why? Well, it was the first time our brood plus friends enjoyed a day out without a) complaining and b) without spending a single cent and c) on returning home, they went straight to bed. What’s not to like?, You park-up (parking can be the low point I admit) then set off on a walk navigating a river bed that meanders some 9km’s (less or more as you wish) through a stunning geographical landscape slowly uphill to a series of waterfalls.


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